

最近有看CCTV5的《足球之夜》,突然感觉里面的音乐很好听,所以想要收集一下…… 由于我看的不是特别全,所以就按记忆整理了以下曲目—— 一、片头曲(只找到2014-6之前的)

1.《I Will Follow Him》(2013年版本) 歌手:潘纳新/詹妮斯·乔普林 这首是原唱,不过央视的是翻唱版哦~

2.《You Raise Me Up》(2013年版本)歌手:Westlife 央视版本开头有几句纯音乐,也是这首歌的原版。这个版本和《足球小将》的OP相同=w=

3.《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》(2013年版本)歌名:今夜感觉我的爱人 歌手:Elton John 我知道这首大家都很熟!但是我要安利的是Elton John的这个演唱会版的MV,超萌的说!

4.《The Power Of Dream》(2014-6之前) 歌手:仓木麻衣 CCTV5曾经还使用过一首仓木麻衣的《Time after time~花舞う街で~》,不过现在貌似已经没有了呢……


①2013-7-19 “世界杯后”那期

5.《What Makes You Different》 歌手:One Direction 这个版本比较短,而且中间插了一段国足的新闻来着XD 所以要找的话,可以找另一版本的MV。

三、2013-8-17 亚冠决赛特辑 6.《Let It Go》 歌名:随它吧 歌手:Idina Menzel 来自迪士尼的动画电影《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,非常火的一首歌啊哈哈!

四、2013-9-13 意甲报道篇 7.《Don't Give Up On Us》 (《It's My Life》是张栋梁的《勇敢的梦想》的英文版O(∩_∩)O~) 歌手:David Essex/George Michael 这两个人合唱的吧应该。。。

五、2013-9-20 巴塞罗那专题 8.《La Copa De La Vida》 CCM的《生命之杯》……应该不用多介绍了吧QVQ 附英文歌词及翻译: This is the one you've been waiting for A celebration of love and humanity 'Cause we all want to live life freely, brother And in peace there'll be no fear No more wars to fight, just play this game With your heart on your sleeve, put it all at stake We have come along way from our small village Here on a mission to bring back happiness So sing out with pride, celebrate together Under the sun Let freedom ring, here comes the King Come on everybody join us now For it isn't over yet, so don't give up Try once again, take hold of your destiny Take this moment in time That will last forever and ever When you see him walking down the street Or as he's driving by his house Just smile before you know about 'cuz He might not make it home tonight But if you got faith then nothing can defeat us There's something moving inside me that I just gotta let go What was taken away has now been given Back to those who are listening or just don't care what they left behind Is still worth fighting for, baby Don't stop playing Now when darkness falls on the land And the fires burn bright across the land And hope seems far removed, oh my friend Then remember what we came here for And don't forget to turn on your light To show them how sweet life really is Keep believing in


1.“我心中有一团火”《燃烧吧,火焰》(片尾曲) 2.“你带着微笑出发了”(第一集) 3. “永远追随你的脚步”(第二集) 4. “梦想开始的地方”——张惠妹、李敏镐合唱 (第三集) 5、“时光隧道里的呼喊”“奔向未来——那首歌”(第四集) 6.“世界需要一场足球风暴(第五集)” 7.“青春是美丽的谎言”“爱是一瞬间的礼物”(第六集) 8.“拥抱我的梦” (第七、八集) 9.“明天会更好” (第九集) 我个人最喜欢的两首应该是这一首和这首。。。 推荐!
