“译”这个字,在古文中通常指用一种文字转换成另一种文字。 古人认为翻译是件很重要的事情,要翻译得好,是需要下一些功夫的。 这五句话其实就是说,如果译者对两种语言都非常熟悉精通的话,那么翻译起来就自然得心应手啦~
1.李白《将进酒》——唐·李白·君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。——[英] By the stream and river's waves in whirl, Heav’n-rode Chang'e flies with dragon wing. O how it flows from horizon's height Down to the ocean's endless flood! (张纯一) River hath its source high up on blue sky, Flowing till sea where no wave doth rise. (许渊冲)
2.杜甫《春望》——国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。 ——The country is in ruins, the hills remain; A spring passes in an ever-deepening gloom: The flowers make me shed teardrops for their sorrow; The bird's cries startle my heart in this dismal hour: Fire signals fly all through these months of war, And a letter from home would be worth more than gold at the post. My head grows thinner by day, I scratch and cannot hold back the hair: How can my locks withstand such heavy pulling? (许渊冲)
许老先生80多岁了还每天工作十几个小时,我觉得他真的是一个特别努力的人呢~( ̄▽ ̄~)~